Image thanks to Laser 3.14

Nurture (n):
The care and attention given to someone or something that is growing or developing. Sounds easy enough…


The coaching programs I offer adopt my Layer Coaching approach, a “bottom-up” coaching program that supports individuals and teams of all levels, particularly those working in the Creative Industry. All courses are designed to facilitate both personal and professional growth, and are fully adaptable to a client’s or company’s needs.

About Dheeresh

Clients often ask me how I became a coach, my answer is always how long have you got for my answer? The quick read, I’m a former business owner in the service oriented hospitality industry, and experienced first hand how top down hierarchal environments lead to a dissatisfaction for pretty much everyone involved. Through my own coaching and communication training I’ve developed a bottom up, layer approach to coaching that facilitates and enables personal and professional growth for individuals and team environments.

Happy clients

The latest in research, coaching ideologies & opinions.